I just think about those wings
Which take me high
Up in the sky
Whenever I feel so down and so low
All the inspiration into my mind just flows
Though I'm trudging so very slow
But I will definitly win with one more blow
And then every one will see me glow
In the sea of success in victorys flow
The well of knowledge is open wide
You see the ignorance going away with tides
Keep the thirst of acheivement in your mind
You then will be able to climb all the heights
Let the sorrows and excuses be in the niches and grooves
Only the greed to win is all you need
Be always humble,to everyone be kind!
So one day in front of everyone
You will stand with PRIDE!!!!


  1. a poem with PRIDE ! B) (Y) :D

  2. U cn be a g8 poet amit!!!

  3. arry thanks a lot but atleast you should have mentioned your name!! anyways thanks

  4. arry thanks a lot but atleast you should have mentioned your name!! anyways thanks


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